Ventilation duct

External and internal characteristics

The ventilation duct is relevant for such premises as industrial, kitchens, less often - bathrooms. Here, it helps to remove uncomfortable air for a person into the ventilation shaft or into the street until it disperses throughout the room.

The dimensions of the duct make it a prominent design element, which is why manufacturers pay considerable attention to the appearance, with proper care it looks at least neat. Many models add elegance to the interior.

The main parameter of the ventilation duct is the throughput. Its calculation for a person without a specialized education has a rather complicated formula, there are many tables that reflect air intake depending on the dimensions of the structure.

The basic pattern is simple: angles and irregularities create obstacles to the movement of air, the more there are, the lower the throughput. To divert the same volume of air in this case requires a larger cross section or more powerful equipment.

The inner surface, like the outer one, can be smooth or corrugated. Smooth boxes are more hygienic, easy to maintain, but require installation experience.

What can be a duct for ventilation

The market offers a wide variety of boxes. Many companies offer to make them to individual sizes. The design is simple, if desired, it can be made independently.

Popular and custom sizes of indoor ventilation ducts

You can find a box of any size on sale or order, but the need to connect it with elements of other designs (kitchen hood, ventilation shaft) makes it reasonable to use standard sizes.

For flat channels, dimensions of 204x60 mm, 110x55 mm are popular, dimensions of 120x60 mm are used less frequently. To increase air removal, manufacturers offer channels of 220x90 mm.

Round boxes are most often produced with a diameter of 100, 125, 150, as well as 200 mm.

On sale you can find ducts of rarer sizes. Many companies are engaged in the production of individual customer sizes.

Important! When buying or ordering a box for rare or non-standard sizes, take care of the transitional and connecting elements necessary for the formation of corners by parts of the structure, fastening to the hood and the ventilation hole.

Classification of the ventilation duct by other parameters (material and shape)

The most common materials are metal and plastic. The choice depends on the operating conditions, sometimes on personal preferences.

Metal are made of stainless or galvanized steel. They:

  • durable;
  • hygienic, relatively easy to keep clean;
  • easy to install;
  • are much more expensive than plastic.

Plastic have their own characteristics:

  • lungs;
  • Cheap
  • do not rust;
  • susceptible to contamination by bacteria and fungi.

You can independently make a ventilation duct from any available material, provided that it is tight.

The shape of the box is usually rectangular (flat), round or square. By individual order, it is possible to manufacture another shape, for example, triangular or pentagonal.

Than special flat ventilation duct

Flat systems are used for rational, aesthetic organization of space. They can be combined with furniture, walls, cleaned by a suspended or suspended ceiling.

The disadvantages include:

  • reduced traction due to the presence of angles, resulting in a larger cross section or more powerful exhaust equipment;
  • increased noise level.

Restore obsolete ventilation duct with modern tools and materials

Restoration is required, as a rule, to the duct, providing general ventilation. The reasons for recovery are different, the most common:

  • previous illegal redevelopment;
  • violation of air exchange, characteristic of old rooms.

From the tool you may need:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • circular or conventional saw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • capacity for solution;
  • trowel (trowel).

Different materials may be required:

  • pipes;
  • building blocks;
  • brick;
  • masonry mortar;
  • drywall;
  • Fiberboard, particleboard;
  • metallic profile;
  • wood screws.

Restore the box:

  • clean the ventilation ducts, for this you will have to remove the floor and ceiling cover at the passage of the airways;
  • study the cross section;
  • select the right materials;

Important! When choosing materials, you must be guided by the cross section of the airways, as well as the principle of tightness. Design options can be different: pipes or corrugations lined with lightweight material (particleboard, gypsum board); a mine made of durable materials (aerated concrete, brick, etc.). Regardless of the materials selected, it is important that the airtightness of the path is maintained. For a pipe construction, bends will be required to ventilate your apartment.

  • build a structure of the selected materials by level;
  • provide a hole in the ventilation shaft for air exchange in your apartment.

Having erected the box, let it dry. After you can proceed to its design and decoration.

Installation of ventilation ducts

Correct preparation plays an important role for installation:

  • bandwidth is calculated;
  • the desired section is selected;
  • suitable connecting and transition elements are selected;
  • parts of the installation are marked and, if necessary, cut.

The prepared elements are assembled into a single system, attached on the one hand to the hole in the wall, on the other hand - probably to the hood.

Particular attention should be paid to sealing at the joints. The use of rubber gaskets and / or sealant is mandatory.

How is the ventilation duct protected against ignition?

The most common and affordable methods of fire protection:

  • covering the surface of the box with non-combustible paints or mastics;
  • wrapping the structure with non-combustible materials.

Among modern methods, it can be noted:

  • ignition sensors that block the flow of air to the ignition area;
  • fire extinguishing systems supplying limestone to the ignition site;
  • spark arresters.

Such protective equipment is quite expensive, most of them are designed for large ventilation systems. They are used in industrial premises.

Soundproofing methods for ventilation ducts

Working ventilation often creates noise caused by inaccuracies in the installation or material features.

You can reduce the noise level with:

  • mineral wool;
  • fiberglass;
  • rubber plates;
  • porous materials;
  • organic fiber.

DIY sound insulation

The ventilation box in several layers is covered with the selected material to absorb sound. All layers must be thoroughly cleaned, and then well fixed due to the adhesive base or adhesive tape. If there is a reflective layer on the insulating materials, it should be directed outward. An overlapping fastener significantly improves insulation performance.

The resulting structure is often sheathed with decorative plates fixed to a metal profile.


The ventilation duct is a fairly simple design. Work on its installation, repair and maintenance require low qualifications. Specialists perform work quickly and at a high level. However, if you have an elementary idea of ​​repair, time and desire, you can do it all yourself.

Watch the video: Ductwork sizing, calculation and design for efficiency - HVAC Basics + full worked example (April 2024).

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